, došlo k zaklopaniu na dvere. Bol to Arvee, člen personálu Punta Bulata, ktorý nás informoval, že loď práve prišla, pripravená nás vyzdvihnúť.
“Si si istý, že teraz je bez rizika?” Zdá sa, že dážď je ťažší a vlny silnejšie. Úprimne povedané, moji dvaja kamaráti Celine, ako aj Ronnie, ako som mal druhé myšlienky. Neboli sme si istí, či sme chceli prevziať lejak, ako aj vlny ísť na ostrov Danjugan. Mysleli sme si však, že 4 hodiny cestovného času z Bacolodu do Cauayan by bolo zbytočné, keby sme sa vybrali, aby sme sa s naším denným bodom netlačili. Ako by sa však ukázalo, tak by nám bolo toľko, keby sme si vybrali inak. Náš ísť na ostrov Danjugan bol vrcholom, ako aj najzaujímavejšou časťou nášho náhodného výletu z Negros.
Jeden z lagún na ostrove Danjugan
Čo je v tomto sprievodcovi pokryté?
Dostať sa na ostrov Danjugan
Danjuganské ostrovy objavujúce centrum
Typhoon Beach Camp
Pozri, morský had!
Šnorchlovanie: výbuch farieb
Obed na ostrove Danjugan
Žraloky alebo žiadne žraloky?
Čas na rozlúčku
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Dostať sa na ostrov Danjugan
Keď sme vyliezli na loď, privítali nás jeden z lodí Kuya Allan. Napriek ohrozujúcim vlnám bol Kuya Allan pozitívny, že cestovanie na ostrov Danjugan bolo bez rizika. Keď sme začali cestu do námornej rezervy, urobili sme sa pohodlným na lodi. Samotný výlet loďou by sa ukázal ako najzaujímavejší. Bolo to šialené !!! Bolo to, akoby sa s nami hralo more. Vlny boli silné a mnohokrát sme verili, že naša loď prebudí. Väčšinu času sme kričali. Loďci sa o nás veľmi starali, ale nemohli pomôcť zasmiali sa presne tým, ako sme reagovali na každú obrovskú vlnu, ktorá by fackula našu loď (a mnohokrát, naše tváre).
Čoskoro sa náš strach stal potešením, keď sme začali žiadať viac, ako aj väčšie, silnejšie vlny. Výlet loďou bol ako príťažlivosť v štýlovom parku. presunúť sa cez očarené kráľovstvo; Bolo to míle oveľa lepšie ako kotvy preč.
Okrem vĺn, jednou z vecí, ktorá spôsobila výlet lode na ostrov Danjugan, bol mimoriadne nezabudnuteľný, bol ohromujúci výhľad. Poskytlo nám to tajné pohľady na to, čo pre nás bolo na ostrove. Videli sme vrecká bielych pláží, ako aj množstvo živých vtákov lietajúcich okolo. Rovnako sme si všimli lietajúcu rybu, ktorá by sa vynorila z vĺn, lietala na krátku vzdialenosť a potom sa znova ponorila. Videl som veľa lietajúcich rýb predtým, ale to bolo jasne modré s kúsok iných farieb. To samo o sebe mi urobilo deň.
Danjuganské ostrovy objavujúce centrum
Asi po 15 minútach sme sa dostali na ostrov Danjugan a tiež nás nadšene privítali Benj Casipe, manažér ostrova a supervízor námornej rezervy na ostrove Danjugan. Benj bol mimoriadne priateľský, ústretový a neuveriteľne vtipný – čokoľvek by ste chceli vo svojom sprievodcovi. K nášmu prekvapeniu sme boli v tom čase jedinými turistami. Jediné ľudské bytosti na ostrove boli my, ako aj niekoľko zamestnancov ostrova. Bolo to, akoby sme si v ten deň prenajali celý ostrov! Bolo to, akoby sme to mali na jeden deň!
Každý turista, ktorý Gos na ostrov, musí ísť na krátky briefing. Benj diskutoval o histórii ostrova okrem svojej úžasnej, rozmanitej voľne žijúcich živočíchov. Rovnako nás v ten deň rýchlo informoval o našom itinerári.
Typhoon Beach Camp
Na ostrove je pláž, kde objavíte niekoľko „bahenných domov“. Tu hostí, ktorí chcú stráviť noc na ostrove. Práve tu dodržiavajú princíp „Back to Basics“, takže domy sú skutočne holé.
Navštívili sme miesto, aj keď by sme nezostali cez noc. Aby sme sa sem dostali, podnikli sme krátky výlet na loď vedenú Kuya Allan (náš lodník) a potom sme dodržali bambusovú cestu. Poloha bola fantastická; Mal fantastický výhľad. Odtiaľ sme videli legendárny strom (ktorý hrozilo, že ho bývalí obyvatelia vyrezávajú až do ostrovu, s ktorým ostrov zvládol Prrcfi), ako aj orly, ktoré tam žili.
Na pláž Typhoon!
Bohužiaľ som bol hektický, že som žil rovnako ako moje meno „chudobného cestovateľa“, pretože dážď nalial ťažšie, ako aj šošovka môjho fotoaparátu sa od dažďa, ako aj z chladu. Tiež by ste mohli chcieť uplatniť nejaký mimo mlieka (alebo iných odškodnení proti komárom) skôr, ako sem pôjdete. : D
Moji kamaráti Ronnie, ako aj Celine vo vnútri bahenného domu
Hej, pavúk!
Pozri, morský had!
Tesne predtým, ako naskočíme na loď, sme našli obrovského morského hada. Videl som morské hady predtým, ale nie také veľké. Skryl sa pod skalou na brehu a pomaly sa pohyboval.
Mali sme šnorchlovať v tejto oblasti, ale strach z nás dostal oveľa lepšiu. Rovnako sme paranoidní pochopili, že okolo je obrovský morský had. National Geographic ma naučila, že jed hadov morských hadov je účinnejší ako u kobry. National Geographicht me that sea snakes prevent humans as well as prevents difficulty unless provoked. Kuya Allan was stating the exact same thing, motivating us to snorkel however we were just as well scared. From now on, I shall be called “The poultry Traveler.” Cowardice is my middle name.
Can you area the sea snake?
Šnorchlovanie: výbuch farieb
Kuya Allan decided to just take us a bit farther from the shore (where the sea snake was) as well as persuaded us to snorkel there instead. We put on our masks as well as jumped off the boat. as well as WHOOOOAAAAAAHHHHH. It was one of those times when I regretted not having an underwater or even a water-proof cam. The view beneath was just, ah, orgasmic. Fish as well as corals everywhere as well as they were oh-so-bright as well as colorful! I had seen so many bright blue sea stars in Bohol (we called them woman Gaga sea stars) however I had never seen them this huge.
Looking at the reefs was like visual masturbation. It was so inviting, like the marine creatures were inviting me to online with them. There was just an explosion of colors beneath the water surface as well as they were all alive.
We saw a number of giant clams. as well as they were bright blue. We saw blue-and-yellow-striped fish. We saw corals that appeared like they were radiating neon lights. We saw pink this, red that. It was like I even saw colors I didn’t understand existed before.
Obed na ostrove Danjugan
After tiring yet worthwhile hours of snorkeling, Benj invited to head back to the shore for lunch. They served squash soup, poultry adobo (but sweeter than the usual), an eggplant meal we didn’t catch the name of, a fish dish, as well as mangoes for dessert. We had always believed we were gluttons however the food was just as well much even for us. The advantages of being the only guests on the island that time.
We left the fish meal almost untouched ‘coz all of us felt a bit uncomfortable having fish for lunch when we just had mingled with vibrant fish minutes before.
Lunch at Danjugan Island!
Žraloky alebo žiadne žraloky?
After the sumptuous meal, it was time for kayaking! Although the island only had four kayaks, each of us was able to get one since we were the only guests. Benj led the method as well as we just complied with him anywhere he went. The water at the lagoon were crystal remove that we might see even the little fish as well as the grayish eels beneath. In the words of Rebecca Black, it was fun fun fun fun fun fun.
Ready to kayak at Moray Lagoon
At one point, Benj taught us exactly how to plant mangroves while sharing more fascinating information about Danjugan.
Benj likewise asked us to go to a location where black tip sharks abounded. At very first we were afraid (as always) however Benj stated that there had been no incidents as well as there wouldn’t be a very first time as long as we won’t provoke them. We got so excited however unfortunately the water was as well shallow (low tide, I dislike you) for the sharks to stay at that time. as well bad.
Anyway, there’s a video of black-tipped sharks published on their official website. right here it is:
Later on, Kuya Allan led the method with the dense forest to a beach on the other side of the island called “Turtle Beach.” Obviously, it was so-called since of the turtles frequently seen at the site. Again, unfortunately, they weren’t there. We saw the tracks they left on the sand however not the turtles themselves.
It was totally fine, though, since the beach was gorgeous as well as there was a flock of seagulls (?) flying around the area. There was an islet off Turtle Beach, where seagulls’ nests were.
Through the rich jungle of Danjugan Island
Turtle Beach, where turtles lay eggs
A rock islet close to Turtle beach where seagulls develop nests
Čas na rozlúčku
It was heartbreaking to leave Danjugan Island. We hated the concept that we might only stay at the island for so long since we had other products on our itinerary as well as our flight was on the next day. We signed on the island’s Visitor’s Logbook as well as left messages for those who handle the island as well as expressed our gratitude for the wonderful time we had.
We didn’t see the black tips. We didn’t see the turtles. Still, there’s no rejecting that the island is brimming with life. phone call it poor timing. Blame it on the weather. however none of us left that island with a dampened heart. The environment may be bleak that day however the island as well as our spirit stayed vibrant.
Danjugan Island
Philippine Reef as well as Rainforest Conservation Foundation, Inc. (PRRCI)
Room MK14a, Art District, Lopue’s Mandalagan
Bacolod City 6100, Philippines
Email Address: prrcfi@yahoo.com.ph
Contact Number: +63 34 4416010
How to get there: From Bacolod, take the Ceres Bus to Hinoba-an as well as get off at Brgy. Cartagena in Cauayan (just before you go into Sipalay City). Take a habal-habal to Bulata. If you have booked beforehand, a boat should be waTam sa tam tam vezme na ostrov Danjuagan. (Keďže sme zostali v Punta Bulate, ich personál pre nás práve zariadil čokoľvek.)
Pre podrobnejšie pokyny, ako sa presne dostať do Punta Bulaty, skontrolujte tento príspevok.
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Súvisiace príspevky:
Ostrov Danjugan, Negros Occidental: Sprievodca cestovným úvodom pre rozpočet
Puerto Princesa Subterranean River Národný park: Svetová otázka v Palawane, Filipíny
Punta Bulata Resort v Cauayane, Negros Occidental (možnosť Splurge)
Calauit Safari Park: Čo očakávať
Lusong Shipwreck, ako aj koralová záhrada: Plytké úcty v Coron, Palawan, Filipíny
Extrémne zážitok z Marabutu: Resort Marabut Marine Park Beach, Samar
The Circle Inn: Kde zostať v Bacolod City, Filipíny
Boracay After Dark: Chuť nočného života ostrova