MARINDUQUE travel guide with budget travel plan

Here’s our MARINDUQUE travel guide with in-depth information on how to get there and a list of things to do and places to visit including Poctoy beach and Maniwaya Island. We also included a sample MARINDUQUE travel plan with budget estimates.

During my time in Marinduque earlier this month, not only did I feel the warmth of the Marinduquenõs but also their love for their province. I’m blown away by how earnest they are in promoting their beloved heart-shaped island, which, coincidentally, is also considered the geographical center of the Philippines according to the Luzon Datum of 1911.

Marinduque is undoubtedly living up to its moniker — the Heart of the Philippines.

Čo je v tomto sprievodcovi pokryté?

THINGS TO do in MARINDUQUEMoriones Festival
Poctoy Beach
Tres Reyes Island Hopping
Maniwaya Island
Mount Malindig
Malbog Sulfur Resort
Marinduque Visita Iglesia
Marinduque cultural and Heritage Tour
Luzon Datum of 1911 (Balanacan Station)
Marinduque Food Trip
Other Marinduque Attractions

FREQUENTLY ASKED questions about MARINDUQUEIs Marinduque safe?
When is the best time to visit Marinduque?
Are there ATMs in Marinduque?

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The island province of Marinduque lies between Tayabas Bay (north) and Sibuyan Sea (south). It is located north of Romblon, east of Mindoro (separated by the Tablas Strait), and west of Quezon (separated by the Mongpong Pass). Marinduque comprises six municipalities: Boac (the provincial capital), Mogpog, Gasan, Buenavista, Torrijos, and Santa Cruz. other than these towns, it also has offshore islands that include Tres Reyes Islands (Melchor, Gaspar, Baltazar), Elephant Island (Bellarocca), Maniwaya Island, Mongpong Island, and Polo Island.

The province’s economy relies heavily on agriculture, particularly coconuts and rice. but the tourism industry is poised to contribute a lot more as the opening of Marinduque airport is expected to pave way to lot of opportunities for services to flourish. It is already known for its Moriones festival held every year during the holy Week, but it has so much a lot more to offer: from its many cave systems to lively dive sites to sensational beaches.

More info about Marinduque:

Language: Tagalog (Marinduque dialect). The Marinduque Tagalog is said to be the result of the natural incorporation of pre-Spanish Tagalog, Bikol language, and Visayan language. They can understand standard Tagalog. English is also relatively spoken and understood.

Mena: Philippine Peso (PHP, ₱). PHP 100 is around USD 1.91, EUR 1.70, or SGD 2.60 (as of April 2019).

Mode of payment: cash is preferred. as of writing, ATMs are limited, so be sure to bring enough cash with you.

Informácie o elektrine: 220V, 60 Hz. Socket type A.


DOBRÉ SPRÁVY! You can now reach Marinduque from Manila in just an hour or less by air instead of going through the eight-hour-long land-and-sea transit. Cebu Pacific Air flies three times weekly between Manila and Marinduque.

On April 1, 2019, the inaugural flight from Manila’s NAIA terminal 4 to Marinduque airport was finally launched. This marked the beginning of Cebu Pacific Air’s Manila-Marinduque operations.

Marinduque airport is located at Barangay Masiga in the town of Gasan, near the border with Boac, which is the provincial capital. Cebu Pacific flies three times weekly — Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday — between Manila and Marinduque. The travel time is about an hour. You can book online and check the fares by means of Cebu Pacific website. The roundtrip fare ranges from P3,000 to P4,000, depending on the season.

If you like the bus and ferry, we’ll have a separate post for that.


You can travel the whole province within a day by means of its circumferential road that covers all of its six municipalities. but of course, it would be great if you spend a lot more days and stay long per stop. From the airport, you can either take the jeepney or the tricycle to get to the towns or to your hotel.

Jeepney. The main mode of transportation when traveling from town to town. The minimum fare is P10 per person and the maximum is P25. If you have no idea how much is the fare to your destination, the jeepney terminals display the fare matrix. The last trip is around 4 PM or 5 PM.

Tricycle. traveling within towns, the locals take the tricycles. The minimum fare per person is P13. The tricycle terminals also post the fare matrix to guide the passengers.

Pump Boat. For transit between the mainland and the nearby islands. boat rental fee depends on the size of the boat, the destinations, and other inclusions.

Own vehicle. You may also bring your own car or motorcycle (even bicycles!); however, this will incur an additional fee on top of your ferry transit fare. The RoRo cargo fee charges P1,000 for motorcycles and around P2500 for cars. Make sure to gas up before going to Marinduque as gasoline in the province is relatively pricier than in Quezon.


As of writing, bicycle and motorcycle rentals are not yet popular in the province. Tricycle excursions are also rare if none at all. If diy is not your thing or if you have seniors and kids with you, you can seek the service of DOT-accredited excursion agencies and operators. one of the highly recommended is dream favor travel and Tours.


As the capital of Marinduque, Boac is the center of commerce. It harbors a lot of of the government offices and commercial establishments such as restaurants, shops, banks, market, and accommodations. It is also the only town that shares borders with all the other five municipalities; therefore, Boac is the preferred jump-off point to all other vacationer attractions in Marinduque.

During our visit, we stayed at the relatively new Balar hotel and day spa in Boac. It has all the basic amenities like toiletries, towels, and lounge. aside from that, it has complimentary Wi-Fi, a day spa service, a restaurant, and a bar. If you want a taste of history, you may reserve a room at Boac Hotel, the oldest hotel in Marinduque (52 years!). It only has 16 rooms, so you have to book in advance, especially if you are checking out during the holy Week. There are other budget hotels, guesthouses, and inns.

If you want to stay near Poctoy Beach, here are the other accommodations in the town of Torrijos:

Villa Briones. Skontrolujte ceny a dostupnosť!

Joey’s Crib beach Hostel. Skontrolujte ceny a dostupnosť!


Moriones Festival

One of the country’s oldest festivals, Moriones, locally known as “Moryonan”, has become synonymous to the province of Marinduque. Held every year during the holy Week, Moriones is widely celebrated by both locals and tourists. local participants dressed in Roman soldier uniform march down the main road connecting the towns of Gasan, Boac, Mogpog, and Santa Cruz. Usually, the two largest towns — Boac and Santa Cruz — present the reenactment of the moment when an unnamed Roman soldier (a blind “Moryon”), struck Jesus in his side with a lance while crucified on the cross and was able to see after the blood droplets from the wound touched his eyes. If every province has an official mascot, the Moryon is a no-brainer choice for Marinduque.

Poctoy Beach

Surrounded by bodies of water, the island province uses excellent beaches that can be took pleasure in all year round. The beaches of Marinduque are not too crowded (yet). Poctoy beach in Torrijos is the most famous beach in Marinduque. It has fine cream-colored sand and clear cerulean waters. Mt. Malindig is visible from the beach, so you can revel in its appeal while swimming or just chilling on the beach. This is where the locals normally hang out, so food and cottages are not a problem. A few resorts are also being constructed in and around the area.

Tres Reyes Island Hopping

Gaspar, Melchor, and Baltazar, collectively known as the Tres Reyes Islands, are the popular island-hopping destinations in Marinduque. From the Gasan freedom Park, these islands are already visible. There are locals residing on the greatest island, Gaspar. Island hopping rates are P1,000 – P1,500 for all three islands and P500 – P600 for Gaspar Island only.

Maniwaya Island

Maniwaya Island is another popular island destination in Marinduque. From Buyabod Port, boat rental rate is P1000-1500 per boat ride to Maniwaya Island and around P4,000 for Maniwaya Island, Palad Sandbar, and Ungab rock Formation. If you are coming from Maniwaya, the boat rental for Palad and Ungab is around P1,500.

Mount Malindig

Located on the southernmost portion of the province and towering at 1,157 meters above sea level, mount Malindig is the highest height in Marinduque. It is a favorite hiking destination, boasting a rich endemic flora and fauna. It is said to be a potentially active stratovolcano, which makes it a lot more interesting. It has three peaks — the central (location of the old caldera), the south (the rockies), and the north (the highest). From the main road covering the towns of Buenavista and Torrijos, the mountain proudly announces its presence as it dominates the landscape.

Malbog Sulfur Resort

Springing from the mighty mount Malindig is another crowd magnet — the natural sulfur baths in Barangay Malbog, Buenavista. Malbog Sulfur resort is located at the foot of the mountain. Locals and foreign patrons frequent the place for its healing properties, especially those with skin problems and diseases as it is said to successfully cure them. P45 is the entrance fee for adults and P30 for kids, PWDs, and senior citizens.

Marinduque Visita Iglesia

Marinduque is dotted with historic and captivating churches. well established in1977, katedrála Parish nepoškvrnenej koncepcie a diecéznej svätyne Panny Márie Biglang Awa alebo Simply Boac Cathedral je jedným zo slávnych kostolov v Marinduque. Sedí na vrchole kopca v centre mesta a dodáva malebný výhľad na mesto. V blízkosti kostola je cirkevné múzeum. Podobne sa kostol sv. Josepha v Gasane nachádza na kopci a dáva pútnikom a návštevníkom malebný výhľad na mesto a Tablas Plait. Interiér Cirkvi je tiež umeleckým dielom! Nenechajte si ujsť „Mosaic Coconut Shell Mosaic“, ktorá cirkvi dáva špeciálnu postavu. Ďalšími cirkvami v Marinduque sú kostol svätého dieťaťa v Buenavista, sv. Ignáca z farského kostola Loyoly v Torrijose, farnosť Svätého kríža v Santa Cruz a San Isidro Labrador Church v Mogpog.

Marinduque Cultural and Heritage Tour

Marinduque je stále provinčný v skutočnom slova zmysle – žiadne mestá, všetky mestá. Najväčšie mesto, Boac a Santa Cruz, má veľkú koncentráciu obyvateľov, ale aj tieto komercializované mestá sú stále prepustené bez prítomnosti moderných budov, nákupných centier a dokonca aj reťazcov rýchleho občerstvenia, vďaka ktorým je provincia oveľa očarujúca. Mestá stále dominujú miestne štruktúry, ktoré dýchajú kultúru a hovoria o dedičstve, ako sú staré domy predkov (štandardné filipínske a španielske domy ovplyvnené), radnica Boac, Casa de Don Emilio, kostoly a veľa ďalších.

Ak sa chcete dozvedieť oveľa viac o histórii Marinduque, môžete navštíviť aj Národné múzeum Filipín – Marinduque (tiež nazývané múzeum BOAC). Ak chcete nakupovať pre Pasalubong, trh je dobrým miestom na divu a nákup slávnych výrobkov spoločnosti Marinduque, ako sú miestne jedlo, štandardné remeselnícke predmety a masky Moriones.

Ale nikdy nezabudnem na svoj „putong“ zážitok! Táto tradícia, ktorú tiež nazývajú „Tubong“, je Marinduqueños spôsob, ako privítať a ctiť svojich hostí a priateľov. Dokonca aj bez Putongu som už cítil teplo Marinduqueños, ale aby som sa na ňom zúčastnil niečo, čo si budem pamätať po zvyšok svojho života. Skutočne srdečné privítanie!

Luzon Datum z roku 1911 (stanica Balanacan)

Zobraziť z Luzon Datum
Je zaujímavé, že Marinduque, „Srdce Filipín“, je tiež miestom Luzonského dátumu z roku 1911 Národná pamiatka. Nachádza sa na vrchole Mt. Mataas v Mogpog, je to monumentálna skalná marker, ktorá ho identifikuje ako geodetické centrum Filipín. Okrem značky je tu aj výhľadová paluba, ktorá poskytuje návštevníkom panorámu okolitých oblastí vrátane Tayabas Bay, Mompong Pass a časti Tablas Strait.

Upozorňujeme, že na dosiahnutie bodu musíte vyliezť na 468 krokov. Ale nebojte sa! Existuje niekoľko určených oddychových priestorov, ktoré musíte cítiť, že je potrebné si oddýchnuť. Najlepšie je ísť tam neskoro popoludní a čakať na západ slnka – skutočne uspokojujúci pohľad po únavnom stúpaní po konkrétnych schodoch. Nezabudnite sa zaregistrovať v kancelárii Barangay Hinanggayon. Môžete tiež zvážiť najatie trojkolky, aby ste sa uistili, že budete mať jazdu späť, najmä ak plánujete vidieť západ slnka.

Výlet do Marinduque

Absencia populárnych potravinových reťazcov a reštaurácií sa snaží o výhodu miestnej kuchyne. Zdôrazňuje príchute Marinduque a dodáva každému jedlu bohatý charakter a identitu. Casa de Don Emilio používa autentické miestne jedlá, ako je ulang-ulang (kyslá polievka s krevetami a mladé kokosové mäso), kare-kare (ktoré vyzerá a chutí oveľa viac ako bopis a dinuguan) a dinilawan natívne kura príchuť a farba).

Tu sú ďalšie výrobky: Pinaltok (verzia Ginataang Bilu-Bilo), nápoj tuba, bibingka „lalalaki“, Sinagol (Buco Noodle Soup), Saludsod (Cassava Pancake), Cookies Arrowroot Cukor a Gulay Na santoly. Svojho Pasalubong môžete získať v Bakery, hoteli Boac a na trhu.

Ďalšie atrakcie Marinduque

Ostrov Elephant je tiež známy ako Bellarocca, kedysi exkluzívne luxusné letovisko a denné kúpele, ktoré prestali svoju činnosť pred pár rokmi. V súčasnosti nie sú k dispozícii žiadne dostupné lode

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